The 8th Mahasaraswati English Competition 2022
HMPS Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unmas Denpasar melaksanakan The 8th Mahasaraswati English Competition dengan mengadakan Lomba English Proficiency tingkat SD, SMP, SMA/SMK se-Bali dan lomba Speech Contest untuk SMA/SMK se-Bali yang diikuti oleh 201 peserta.
Adapun pemenang lomba dari kegiatan VMEC 2022 ini, yaitu sebagai berikut:
Kategori Lomba English Proficiency SD
- Kadek Narayani Devi as the 1st Winner.
- Rafa Nathaniella Dinar as the 2nd Winner.
- Gusti Ayu Niar Anindya as the 3rd Winner.
- Dewa Ayu Femmy Prabandari Putri as the 1st Runner Up.
- Putu Sandyana Ellycia Pratika as the 2nd Runner Up.
- Noah Valencio Simanjuntak as the 3rd Runner Up.
Kategori Lomba English Proficiency SMP
- Ni Putu Widya Mahadhita Anisvara as the 1st Winner.
- Putu Sudiarta Huppen Bauer as the 2nd Winner.
- I Gede Wibhatsu Adnyana as the 3rd Winner.
- Ida Ayu Komang Puspa Wardani as the 1st Runner Up.
- Faza Ricky as the 2nd Runner Up.
- Nadina Pramita Putra as the 3rd Runner Up.
Kategori Lomba English Profeciency SMA
- Aprileon Gusti Erlingga as the 1st Winner.
- Maureen Julia Kusuma as the 2nd Winner.
- Federick Samuel as the 3rd Winner.
- Eric Hendryani as the 1st Runner Up.
- Ni Putu Cahyaning Udiyana as the 2nd Runner Up.
- Dimitri Marvel Setiawan as the 3rd Runner Up.
Kategory Lomba English Performance SMA
- Andrian Marc Fedier Purnama as the 1st Winner.
- Luh Putu Indira Masanthi Udayani as the 2nd Winner.
- Jesslyn Trixie Edville as the 3rd Winner.
- Ni Made Adinda Aulia Putri as the 1st Runner Up.
- Yansen Pangestu as the 2nd Runner Up.
- Ni Putu Okania Dewi Suryadi as the 3rd Runner Up.
- Vanessa Grace Thasca Sukarno as the Favorite Winner