Aktifnya mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Unmas Denpasar tidak hanya berakhir pada ujian akhir skripsi saja. Terbukti, setelah 9 mahasiswa berhasil menempuh ujian skripsi dengan lancar disela-sela revisi skripsi mahasiswa begitu aktif dan antusias dalam menyiapkan persiapan international conference.
Seminar yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang hendak lulus ini adalah International conference yang diselenggaraka oleh Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University (BSRU) Thailand. International conference yang mengusung tema "Sri Sury Academic Conference 2022: The Integration of Science, Arts, and Creativities in Glocalization for Sustainability" ini diselenggarakan pada 21-22 July 2022 secara daring. Adapun judul penelitian yang diseminarkan oleh mahasiswa PSP Biologi Unmas Denpasar adalah sebagai berikut:
1. The Influence of Powerpoint Media on The Learning Outcomes of Students of SMP Negeri 2 Denpasar Through Online Learning.
2. Learning Management System Research Trends in Learning Biology During The COVID-19 Pandemic.
3. Distribution Pattern of Green Partridge (Gallus Varius) and Its Potential as A Source of Learning Bioculture Diversity: A Case Study in The Bukit Demulih Bangli Customary Forest Area.
4. Habitat Preferences of Kepodang Birds (Oriolus chinensis) in The Demulih Customary Forest Area, Bangli and Its Potential as A Source of Ecological Learning.
5. The Student Perceptions About In Situ Java Sparrow Conservation (Lonchura oryzivora) in The Forests of Indigenous Demulih Through Photovoice Approach
6. The Effectiveness of Using Google Meet With Online Quiz Modifications as A Medium Online Biology Learning on Student Learning Outcomes during the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMA (SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar.
7. Increased Biology Learning Activities and Outcomes Through ElearningBased Student Team Achievements Division (STAD) Learning Mod.